2020 has shaken businesses to the core, with millions of people all over the globe closing down and shutting shop, or getting mad busy and nothing in between. What are you dealing with in your business with the Cover 19 Lock down ?
This is what I believe our fore fathers and fore mothers talked of what really is important in a time of crisis and threat. Living in Uk and living in West Wales in a rural environment cushions the blow of being in lockdown, due to our beautiful countryside an space. However it doesn’t cushion the blow of business in crisis and businesses who have shut shop and are really vulnerable and open to lack of trading and customers changing their buying decisions now and post lockdown.
Is this a time to spend money on frivolous spends or are we focused on keeping food on the table yes food on the table. Its what I remember my father saying food is an essential and we have been allowing others to sell our products for us and its become a long chain from producers to plate.
Time to review and have a deeper closer look at our products and what our route to market is and a big opportunity to change our business to suit the market place. A time to collaborate and join forces to share the way we sell to our customer and come together and offer a simple way to service them with food they love.
Emphasising on food for health and nutrition and appetising and fulfilling to satisfy and really focus on healthy minds and bodies. This requires more out of the box thinking for education and being really honest about the benefit of buying and sourcing food locally to your home.
Let’s rethink and look at routes to market and educate our consumer about how community matters, for our families and farmers and growers and processors.
Lets re think
Lilwen Selina Joynson
InnerSense Consultant