The Power of Accountability in Farming
Reframing the Role of the Farmer
Taking accountability is a concept that’s often talked about but can mean different things to different people. So, what is it, exactly? What does taking true accountability look like? And just how powerful could it be in your life and for your farming business?
Let’s start with the basics and use the Cambridge Dictionary definition of accountability, which is “the fact of being responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason for it.” Terms that sit alongside accountability include responsibility, liability, answerability… all pretty heavy synonyms. No wonder taking accountability feels like a huge challenge for many people.
The word “farmer” is one that carries with it a huge weight of responsibility. If you’re a farmer, you’re no stranger to accountability. You’re a custodian of the land, with the wellbeing of your family, animals and crops on your shoulders, not to mention having to manage the expectations of the public and often overwhelming government regulation. Running a farm is stressful and complex. The modern farmer has to be the consummate multitasker, managing a variety of critical roles and an unrelenting workload.
Words Matter: Redefining the Farmer
Recently, I spoke with an Irish farmer who highlighted this very issue during a talk he gave at a conference. He, like many others, simply introduced himself as “a farmer.” An honourable title, we’d all agree but does it really describe what he does day in, day out? How would he feel about himself, and how would others see him, if he presented himself as the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Managing Director, Head of Marketing, HR Director, Head Herdsman, Soil Manager…you get my point.
By identifying and honouring the individual roles that fall under the umbrella of “farmer”, we can take true accountability for each critical area that makes a farm successful.
Taking an honest and detailed look at your many roles within your farm business enables you to:
- 1. Pinpoint exactly what you do, where you excel and where you don’t, where you can manage things yourself or where you might need more support.
- 2. See where you might not be meeting your own standards or meeting the expectations of others and what internal factors might be blocking your ability to manage these areas.
The Value of Shared Accountability
For many people, accountability means carrying every burden alone. But in fact, sharing accountability is the way forward if you want to build a more resilient, sustainable, successful farm operation. Once you know where the gaps and obstacles are, and where you need more support, bringing in family members, employees, peers etc. creates a shared ownership that both makes your role more manageable and empowers others.
So how do you share accountability in a workable way? Well, strategies could include:
- 1. Defining clear roles and expectations so a robust structure is established, and everyone is clear on their responsibilities and your expectations
- 2. Making people feel comfortable enough to communicate openly and give honest feedback, sharing, challenges, ideas and advice with regular meetings, check-ins etc.
- 3. Encouraging individual and collective ownership. When someone has a well-defined role, they’re more likely to take ownership, invest in their work, and feel motivated which can only drive your farm business forward.
The Benefits of Taking Accountability
Accountability is a practice that gives you true clarity and a roadmap to success. When everyone on the farm understands their role, takes responsibility for their work, and communicates freely you can create a culture of accountability that inevitably leads to a stronger future.
Ultimately, seeing accountability as a positive, growth-oriented practice can help transform both your farm and your life. Handled properly, the process offers everything you need to increase productivity and profitability, empower and connect more effectively with others, reduce your personal stress, and create a healthy farm culture that values everyone.
Farm Consultants That Get Results
If you would like a guiding hand to take more accountability and get your farm business on the right track, we can help. Just drop us a line or book a free 20-minute Innersense consultation here.